Innovation Saskatchewan is responsible for implementing the province’s innovation priorities and helping grow Saskatchewan’s tech sector. Effective April 2022, this includes operation of the Innovation Place technology parks in Saskatoon and Regina.

SHRF funds Luxsonic Technologies’ Virtual Reality COVID-19 Training Safety Videos

The Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) has funded a collaboration between the Saskatchewan College of Paramedics and Luxsonic Technologies to create virtual reality (VR) training videos for safely putting on and taking off personal protective equipment (PPE).

Luxsonic Technologies, a tenant at Innovation Place Saskatoon, utilized its unique 360 degree video technology to transport the user wearing a VR headset into the video environment. “You experience that space in the same way that you would in real life, so it is a much more impactful experience,” said Luxsonic CEO Mike Wesolowski.

The innovative technology comes in response to the heightened awareness of risks involved in providing emergency care during the pandemic, specifically the high-risk aerosol-producing activity of CPR. The refresher training videos create an immersive experience for practitioners that allows easier retention of information.

SHRF, a tenant at Innovation Place Saskatoon, supported this collaboration through its rapid response grant, which funds health research initiatives in response to COVID-19.

For more information on the collaboration, read here.

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- November 6, 2020